Monday, November 29, 2010

7 Must Know Financial Tips for the Holidays

7 Must Know Financial Tips for the Holidays
How To Survive Holiday Shopping and Prosper in the New Year

Holiday shopping is in full swing and even started early this year, but it doesn’t have to be a financial disaster for you. Retailers have been marking down old products and ushering in new ones to convince you to spend your hard earned cash. And, while most Americans have slowed down their spending over the past year, the holidays will unfortunately rid many of them of their savings and cause them to plunge into the financial abyss.

Financing and credit cards only add to the problem. Have you noticed that the credit card offers, that had stopped a year ago, are now coming in droves? You can finance, transfer and live completely in debt! But, you don’t have to fall for these clever financing schemes. Take control of your finances and shop on your terms.

Even the television networks are pulling out all the stops to get you to spend your money without thought. Over the Thanksgiving holiday a morning show had a song and dance skit with the entire production staff dancing and singing. The theme song echoed “Do it - let’s go out and spend…” You have to be kidding me! Forget Christmas and the spirit of giving… let’s spend our way to happiness.

We should all take a step back and remember what really makes us happy, the love of family and friends. Let’s be grateful for what we have, and give our love. Spending our money on unneeded items and useless toys that accumulate dust will never fulfill our true desires.

Most people don’t think twice when acting on an offer and paying $100 month for a new plasma TV, but they break out in hives when asked to save $100 month. What’s wrong with this picture?

So, what can you do? I’ve put together 7 must know financial tips for the holidays. A how to guide for surviving holiday shopping.

1. Make a spending budget and stick to it.
2. Never buy anything that you didn’t plan on.

3. Use cash and debit cards, limiting your use of credit.

4. Shop online for sales and time your purchases.

5. Remind yourself of the burden of debt and focus on the benefits of saving.

6. Shop early and avoid last-minute shopping.

7. Spend your time, not your money, with family and friends.

Let’s take a look at what can happen:

You go to the local big box store to buy some toys for the kids. While you’re there you notice the plasma TV’s are finally coming down to an affordable price and start thinking that maybe this is your chance to get the kids off the living room TV. You can nab the new 50” High Definition TV with all the bells and whistles for about $100 month for 2 years. Or, maybe it’s a new laptop or cell phone with wireless, blah, blah, blah…. Whatever it is, the $100 month is just the beginning, because you’ll need the HD cable or the unlimited data plan to go with your new purchase. And, don’t forget the wasted hours getting it all to work and spent watching useless shows and searching the social networks.

A better picture:

You make a list and check it twice, shopping online to find the best deals. You only pickup the must have toys while shopping and decide to teach the kids some fiscal responsibility and financial stewardship. You take them to see the Grandparents and have them make something special for them. You take a family picture or create an album of the kids growing up. This is so much easier now than when you were growing up because of the digital camera you bought last year. Result, they learn the true meaning of Christmas by giving, and they feel good knowing they took part in something special.

You then take the $100 month that would have been spent on the television and save that money. You treat this money with the same respect that you would the payment on the new techno gadget, forming a habit of saving. You feel good that you have been responsible with your money and you have taught the kids stewardship. After the same 2 years you haven’t really missed anything, all the games and shows have been available via your current setup or online. Gadget prices continue to fall, and you can get an even better deal when it’s on your schedule.

Follow these financial tips and you can prosper in the New Year. Instead of having debt, you can have savings. You’ll feel better about yourself and you’ll set an example for your family.

Have a great holiday shopping season and prosper in the New Year!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 Ways to Use Your Life Insurance While You’re Alive

5 Ways to Use Your Life Insurance While You’re Alive
How to finance all of your purchases through you’re own bank

How would you like to use your life insurance while you’re alive? What if you could finance all of your major purchases through your own bank, just as you would with a traditional bank? You can! I’ve put together a list of my top 5 favorite uses of life insurance that you can start using today.

Because of misinformation in the marketplace, most people believe that they should own the cheapest life insurance available. If you follow this advice, you will miss out on life insurance’s most valuable uses. Term insurance provides a death benefit to your heirs, but what about you? If setup correctly, one of the benefits of permanent life insurance is that it allows tax free access to capital while you’re alive. So, if you understand how it works, you are better off owning the most expensive life insurance available. In other words, typically the more you put in, the more benefits you will enjoy.

When you think about it there are 3 to 5 major expenditures that most people make over their lifetimes. So, I thought I would show you how you can take these 5 expenditures and finance them through your life insurance policies. Yes, you may want multiple policies.

1. Automobile Purchases

2. Business Equipment

3. Family Home

4. College Education

5. Funding Retirement

1. Automobile Purchases
Most of us drive and purchase new cars every 4-5 years. Let’s take an automobile that would cost say $30,000 and finance it for 48 months at 6% interest and include an inflation rate of 3% and taxes of 10%. If you traded the cars in, over the course of your lifetime (48 years/12 cars), your adjusted cost after trade and sales tax would be $85,275. However, the lost opportunity costs, had you been able to earn 6% interest on that same money, would be $343,405! What if you could finance all of your automobile purchases through your policy and recapture the costs? You can!

2. Business Equipment
If you plan to start or grow any business venture, you will need access to capital and business equipment. What if you could finance the equipment yourself and/or start your own leasing company without depending on traditional banks? You can! You may also be able to take additional tax benefits when paying interest.

3. Family Home
Assuming your family is growing are you decide to purchase a second home, what if you could finance it through your life policy? You can! All you have to do is capitalize the policy and purchase the home outright through your policy or start paying your traditional mortgage off early using your policy as your own bank.

4. College Education
Without a doubt, funding a child’s college education is one of the main concerns of parents today. While college tuition costs are outpacing inflation, most college savings plans have lost money. What if you could pay for your child’s college and recapture the money to use for your retirement? You can!

5. Funding Retirement
If you ask retirees today what their biggest concern is, most will answer outliving their money. When depending on government programs and a pension, this can be a problem. Maybe that’s why this demographic is one of the largest purchasers of permanent life insurance today. What if you could supplement or fund your retirement completely using your life insurance policy? You can! Having a permanent life policy at retirement allows you to spend your other assets down completely, without the concern of running out of money or leaving your heirs with nothing. And, retirees will appreciate the ability to have access to capital for business ventures and long term care if needed.

So, there you have it, 5 ways to use your life insurance while you’re alive! But, don’t take my word for it, ask any of the hundreds of thousand of Americans who are enjoying the benefits of owning permanent life insurance. The naysayers don't own permanent life insurance and don't know.

You owe to yourself and your family to explore permanent life insurance. You don’t have to get caught up in all the hype of Wall Street, or the misinformation from the media and so called, "financial gurus". And, you don’t have to take unnecessary risks with your money. Life insurance has been around for hundreds of years and has proven to be sound and stable. Maybe that’s why banks own it as their tier 1 capital.

I’d like to recommend a book for you to read, Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash. This book outlines exactly how you can utilize life insurance to finance all of your purchases over your lifetime. If you practice the principles outlined in this book, it will literally change your and your family’s lives forever. You can learn more about the Infinite Banking Concept and purchase the book at

Free yourself from financial slavery and stop depending on the government and financial institutions. You’ll be glad you did.

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page, RFC is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protects their savings, but also provide tax advantages. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here:

Friday, October 8, 2010

FOX News Interviews Ron Paul and Judge Napolitano on the Federal Reserve

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page, RFC is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protects their savings, but also provide tax advantages. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another Day, Another Worthless Dollar

Another Day, Another Worthless Dollar

While most Americans are struggling to survive right now, the FAT CATs in Washington are busy spending our money. It never ceases to amaze me how few people really understand what's going on with our government.

I was just watching a little news while I enjoyed my frozen dinner (saving $), and a popular talk show host was commenting on the economy... PLEASE! Get a clue! Why do Americans put so much trust in the media? They invite so called financial analysts on the talk shows and ask them "tough questions" about our country's financial mess.

An article posted on U.S.News and World Report today was "How to Tell if You Have a Good 401(k) Plan" If we can't figure this one out, we're in a heap of trouble... The article touted good points such as getting a generous match by your employer, short wait times to get started, vesting and fees. Duh!!!

The article mentioned nothing about how Uncle Sam ultimately controls the 401(k) and how he can change the rules at his discretion. Or that ordinary citizens have lost Trillions in the market over the past several years. Or that the whole tax deferral hype is a bunch of CRAP!

For many people the 401(k) certainly offers them a way to save money. And, if you get a match, why not contribute up to that point, but not a penny more. But, if you have to risk your life savings in a volatile market with no guarantees... that's more than dangerous, it's insanity.

Why am I so tough on qualified retirement plans? Because I've seen families lose their entire life savings. And, I don't trust the government with the purse strings.

So, what's a person to do? Take control of your money, NOW! There's no other way to put it, take your money and run. I'm no market analyst and I don't have a crystal ball, but the writing is on the wall. The government is broke and they want your money. The stock market is as uncertain as it gets. So I'll ask you, why would you put your money in a 401(k)? If you know anyone who has ever gotten wealthy because of their 401(k), I'd like to meet them.

Recently, I attended the "Night of Clarity" in Nashville, Tennessee. This was a seminar about Austrian Economics and Privatized Banking. The event boasted an impressive list of Austrian Economists including Tom E. Woods, PhD, resident scholar at the Mises Institute and the author of the recent New York Times best-seller Meltdown; Paul A. Cleveland, PhD, adjunct scholar at the Mises Institute, Professor of Economics at Birmingham Southern College and author of several books; Tom DiLorenzo, Professor of Economics at Loyola College in Baltimore, MD, Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute; Robert M. Ebeling, PhD, Professor of Economics at Northwood University, past president of Foundation for Economic Education, and the Ludwig von Mises Professor of Economics at Hillsdale College; R. Nelson Nash, creator of the Infinite Banking Concept and author of the best-selling book, Becoming Your Own Banker; and the authors of the new book How Privatized Banking Really Works, Robert P. Murphy, PhD, Economist and adjunct scholar at the Mises Institute and L. Carlos Lara.
Robert Murphy, PhD and Barry Page, RFC in Nashville

In my humble opinion, EVERY AMERICAN should read the book, How Privatized Banking Really Works. This book will open your eyes to the LIES that have been forced on our country by the government. It will shed light on the Federal Reserve and our banking system. The book is easy to understand and offers references and documentation to all of the subject matter it covers. The best part is that if offers the solution to our monetary problems.

Once we understand the problem inherent in our current system, we can work towards solving the problem. In 1913, with the 16th Amendment, our government created the federal income tax, and later that year the Federal Reserve or central bank. This is suspicious all to itself, but we must understand that the power of these two entities is absolute. They control the money!

But, that's not enough... Politicians are spending your money like it's going out of style.. it is! Our dollars have become worthless because they are no longer backed by gold. The Fed is printing worthless dollars!

How can we change this picture? In their book, Lara and Murphy outline how we can take the power back in three easy steps:
1. Sound Money - link outstanding dollars to Gold. Inflation goes away.
2. Private Banking - the government monopoly will then be abolished.
3. Close the Central Bank - the size and expense of government and taxes decrease while business increases.

It couldn't get much simpler than that. I hope you'll take the time to further your knowledge of banking and money by reading this book. You may also want to visit to learn why Austrian Economics is superior to Keynesian Economics.

Until next time,

Barry Page, RFC is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

He has created a service that caters to families and business owners that are frustrated with the risks involved with the stock market, but still want competitive returns. His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protects their savings, but also provide tax advantages.
His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Believe the Hype about Financial Reform

Don't Believe the Hype about Financial Reform The Unintended Consequences of Investing with Uncle Sam

With all of the hype from the mainstream press about financial reform, consumers might assume that the Dodd-Frank bill will actually help their financial portfolio. A closer look though at the affects of the financial regulatory changes might reveal some unintended consequences.

Over 800 pages of politically charged financial regulation can be found in the bill. And while, from a consumer standpoint, this may sound like a good thing, it will probably add to the confusion already involved with investing. The legislation does provide some protection for the consumer, however these small improvements will have little positive impact for the average family.

Once again the Federal Reserve has bypassed scrutiny and emerged as the ultimate financial regulator. Nary a mention has been given to auditing this cartel though that was the first intent of Congressman, Ron Paul.

Taking a look at what will actually occur for most, we will cover the most common places that people park their money.

Qualified Retirement Plans (401k, 403b, IRA, etc)
Popular investments such as those offered by employers, because they may offer tax-benefits and are considered to be conservative, could see these regulatory decisions affecting the costs and availability associated with these plans. What's worse is that the full affect of the reform may not be known for some time.

Because of the gray area left in the bill, regulators have 15 months to study the issue. This could ultimately drag down the returns of these investments. Primarily these studies will involve "swaps", "wraps" and "derivatives", all of which can be found in typical retirement accounts. Kent Mason, partner at Davis & Harman LLP and outside counsel to the American Benefits Council, says this "would have an immediate and very troubling effect on 401(k) plans across the country."

Mutual Funds
Although their is little mention of mutual funds in the Dodd-Frank bill, it is likely that the legislation will affect the holdings of these funds.

Their is also uncertainty for bond funds which could further increase volatility. The (FDIC) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, will have more control to sieze troubled financial institutions, and have leeway to pay investors differing amounts on bonds, though they may be holding identical bonds issued by that particular institution. This could cause uncertain investors to dump the bonds at the first sign of trouble or to demand higher yields.

Bob Auwaerter, head of fixed income at Vanguard Group says this "can have all sorts of unintended effects". The potential result is unequal treatment of bondholders which "will reduce liquidity and lower the price."

Even worse, typical mutual fund investors, who are prone to trying to time market-buying decisions, could be affected by advertising. "Hot funds", touted by financial magazines, coordinated with advertising could result in misinformation being passed along to consumers.

At yearend 2009, there were $464 TRILLION in outstanding derivatives. While the new bill seems to focus on this problem, it is doubtful that the new provisions could have prevented the financial crisis.

Probably the most troubling to investors is the taxing of dividends. Without further congressional action, the top dividend tax rate will skyrocket to 39.6% in 2011. Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus (Dem. Mont.), will be a key player in the future debate over the taxation of dividends.

Brokerage Accounts
The (SEC) Securities and Exchange Commission will have authority under the bill to impose the same standard of "fiduciary" duty on brokers that currently apply to investment advisors. Meaning that brokers must provide advice that is in clients' "best interest". What exactly does this mean? How does a broker, that you have probably only spoken with on the phone, know what is in your best interest?

The bottom line is that the bill will provide minor improvements to consumer laws that regulate the financial industry. BUT, the major changes resulting in increased regulation will affect everyone from banks to insurance companies, resulting in more confusion and less profits.

Fortunately, there is one financial instrument that can keep you out of the confusion and chaos that congress continues to pursue. If you do your homework, you'll find that good, old-fashioned whole life insurance has survived for hundreds of years intact.

There are many flavors of life insurance, so you'll want to make sure you are dealing with an experienced agent that does business with a "mutual" life insurance company. Mutual life insurance carriers pay dividends to policyholders, and the owner of the contract controls the policy. You can learn more about the extraordinary benefits offered by whole life insurance here:

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

He has created a service that caters to families and business owners that are frustrated with the risks involved with the stock market, but still want competitive returns. His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protect their savings, but also provide tax advantages.

His business is based in Ocean Springs, MS and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Are You Tired of the Market Roller Coaster? Here's What To Do

Discover the Alternative To Traditional Investing

While the market goes up and goes down, you don't have to. You can get off of the roller coaster and discover the alternative to traditional investing.

There really is a better way... and it won't keep you up at night.

You’ve probably heard that life insurance is a bad investment. And, that you should buy the cheapest term insurance available. Well something else that you’ve probably heard is “you get what you pay for.”

YES! You can protect your hard earned money and build wealth using tried and true, dividend paying, life insurance.

While the investment firms and banks want you to believe that the stock market is the ONLY way to invest and make money, they too own life insurance.

BOLI is the name for Bank Owned Life Insurance, and if you'll do your research you'll find that all of the major banks own lots of it. As a matter of fact the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) actually encourages banks to own life insurance:

Total BOLI Assets (in billions)
Held by Bank Holding Companies in 2007
BHCS BY ASSET SIZE 2007 2006 Change
Over $10 billion $ 104.63 $ 88.59 18.1%
$1B - $10 billion $ 9.89 $ 9.55 3.6%
$500M - $1 billion $ 3.03 $ 2.86 4.5%
All $ 117.55 $ 101.00 16.4%
*Source: Michael White-MullinTBG BOLI Holdings Report - 2008 edition

Bank of America NC $ 13,883,173
Wachovia NC $ 12,874,000
JP Morgan Chase OH $ 7,181,000
Citibank NV $ 3,281,000
Regions Bank AL $ 1,253,146
Bancorp South MS $ 168,005
*Partial list compiled from: The Pirates of Manhattan

If permanent life insurance is such a bad investment, why do you think banks own so much? And, if you listen to who is saying “buy term” it’s usually the banks and Wall Street. Why? Because they are now selling term insurance and it is the MOST Profitable for them, and of course they want to sell you their mutual funds. Mutual fund managers rake in hundreds of millions of dollars every year, while you take the risk and whether or not they make money or not.

So, why do they tell you to "buy term and invest the difference", while they do just the opposite? Well, that's how they make their money, even if you LOSE... That's right, they make money even when they lose your money. They tell you to buy while the market is down, and to "dollar cost average", what a bunch of crap! Yet, they still won't you to bail them out!

Have you ever considered your what YOUR LIFE is worth to YOUR FAMILY? This is your Economic or Human Life Value. Winston Churchill said this about using life insurance to protect the economic value of a human life:
“If I had my way I would write the word insurance over the door of every house because I am convinced that for the sacrifices which are considerably small, families can be secured against catastrophes which would otherwise smash them up forever.”

The political commentator, humorist and international celebrity Will Rogers said this:
“A man who dies without adequate life insurance should have to come back and see the mess he created.” Rogers later died, in 1935, in a plane crash in Barrow, Alaska—and life insurance benefits were one of his estate’s largest and most important assets.

You too can enjoy the many benefits of life insurance while protecting your family. Here's a partial list of what life insurance can do for you:
  • It takes care of your family if you die too soon.
  • It takes care of you if you live too long.
  • It is self-completing if you become permanently disabled.
  • The waiver of premium guarantees the premiums are paid.
  • It can have catastrophic benefits if you have cancer, heart attack or stroke, to help even if you don’t die.
  • It can have terminal illness benefits that will pay when you are diagnosed, allowing you to put things in order before you die.
  • It can provide long-term care benefits, drawing from your cash-value.
And, if that isn't enough to get your attention, then you may want to learn about the banking benefits of dividend paying, cash-value life insurance. The Infinite Banking Concept is a way to recapture the interest that you pay to others and put it back into your "bank". You can learn more and order the book Becoming Your Own Banker here:

So, get off the roller coaster and stop risking your wealth. You don't have to get out of the market, but you may want to diversify with some safe alternatives like annuities and life insurance. Download a Free Report:

Until next time,
Barry page, RFC

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.
He has created a service that caters to families and business owners that are frustrated with the risks involved with the stock market, but still want competitive returns. His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protect their savings, but also provide tax advantages.

His business is based in Ocean Springs, MS and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Emergency Financial Planning – Are you ready for what’s next?

Are you planning for an emergency financial situation? Will you prosper or get plundered in the future?

You already have access to the news and you can choose to read, watch or listen to whatever you want to. There’s good news and bad news in most every story, but how do you decipher the good from the bad? And, who do you trust?

The reason that I share this information with you is expose you to different viewpoints that you may not have access to in the mass media, and to allow you to educate yourself on the facts. As my friend and author Nelson Nash says, “If you know the facts, you’ll know what to do.”

So, you think your money is safe in the bank? Here’s a list of troubled banks from Martin Weiss, chairman of Weiss Ratings. They are rated A-F, just like in school.

What would happen if these banks failed? Loans would no longer be available, fear would prevail, and if your bank failed you could lose interest and access to cash.

You may ask yourself, “How are these banks in trouble when we’ve bailed them out, and the Federal Reserve is loaning them money at practically zero-cost?” A number of reasons actually, including greed, overspending and bad loans.

Delinquency rates are increasing and commercial loans are starting to falter. Some in Congress are already asking for more bailout funds. Another massive refinancing program may be enacted soon.

Adding to the problems, the Fed has not only already flooded the U.S. economy with upwards of nearly $2 trillion in newly printed money, they have promised to help bailout Europe... With no end in sight as to how much monopoly money the Fed will print, each and every dollar printed is adding to an unlimited supply of fiat currency.

Will the central banks ever tighten monetary policy again? Chances are slim, they are content merely printing money and causing your dollars to lose value through inflation. Thus cash and long-term bonds, traditionally safehavens, may no longer a good place to hold money.

Equities are more volatile than ever, and the markets are in turmoil. Now financial gurus from the mega-media houses are touting that you buy gold and precious metals to combat inflation… and to get rich?

In turn, speculators are buying gold faster than they can mine it. Analysts are forecasting a 27% rally that would extend the longest run of annual gains since the 1920’s. Gold managers are capitalizing on the anxiety and fear… Have you noticed how many advertisements there are telling you to invest in gold?

Ask yourself, how do you make money with gold? Like anything else right? Buy low, sell high… This is almost laughable, since the common man has not a clue about how to do this. Commissions going in or out can average as much as 18%, so you are down 36% before you even make a dime. Do you buy bullion? coins? ETFs??? And... very few even consider taxes.

We are no longer on the gold standard, what happens when and if another standard comes along? Right now the Federal Reserve is printing money at will, so gold no longer backs your dollars.

How do you spend gold? What do you do with 16oz of gold? Assuming you had $20,000 to buy gold in the first place… What if the government confiscates gold? They have before.

Don’t hear me wrong, I’m not saying gold is a bad investment. But… Just like anything else you have no business investing in gold until you have done your research.

With interest rates being low, the government is punishing savers. The financial institutions want you to buy the latest, greatest products, and most advisors are telling you that now is the time to buy. You are also being told to invest on your own and trade online... How is that working out?

Most American’s lost money in the greatest bull market of all time in the 90’s, even with managed money. And, those who thought they made money have lost it since. How do you realize a gain in the market? You have to buy and sell at the right time.

Certainly you can make profits if your timing is right… But that’s a big “IF”.

Do you think we are at the bottom? Do I have to remind you that less than a year ago the Dow was below 7,000? Other analysts and experts are saying we could see another correction soon… plunging the Dow to 5,000! Take a look at the last 10 years of the Dow.

All the while the government and many bond managers are suggesting that you buy bonds for safety and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS), others warn this could be a problem as well.

Social Security is beginning to deteriorate and benefit payments are starting to outpace tax receipts. Baby boomers are retiring, putting more strain on Medicare and Social Security. State governments are borrowing money from the federal government to pay for unemployment and entitlement programs.

A more prudent plan may be to step back, learn from history, analyze our problems and make informed, educated decisions.

Okay, enough bad news. So, what can you do? How can you protect your money from loss, earn a decent return, and not get clobbered by taxes and inflation? The answer is simple really, and it’s nothing new… You may think that today’s economic problems are different from those of the past, but they really are not. Money is the same today as it has been for 2,500 years.

The Problems

  • Excess Consumption
  • Excess Spending 
  • Excess Investments 
  • Excess Cash
The Solutions
  • Stop Overspending
  • Control Consumption
  • Maintain Emergency Reserves
  • Make Safe and Prudent Investments
As is often the case, we need to get back to the basics. In his book, The Richest Man in Babylon, George S. Clason outlines financial principles that have survived for centuries.

Here’s my short and updated version.
5 Simple Steps for Preserving and Creating Wealth
1. Pay yourself first

2. Save a minimum of 10%, preferrably 20%

3. Write down your expenses and buy only those things that are necessary

4. Put your money in safe and liquid assets that appreciate in value

5. Insure your income for the future

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Your Money 
  1. If interest rates on CD’s and money markets are less than 2%, and inflatin is 3%, why would you put your money there?
  2. If the market is volatile and you can lose your hard earned cash, why would you invest your money there?
  3. If bonds and gold are no more predictable than other commodities, why would you put money there?
  4. If the Government has control, and can change the rules for your IRA, why would you invest there?
Where should you put your money? It’s not a bad idea to own some or all of the above mentioned financial vehicles, but ONLY after you have protected yourself from loss, created an emergency plan and have excess capital to invest.

Now that you have the basics, there is another advanced concept that you may want to learn. The Infinite Banking Concept™ recognizes that we have a need for finance throughout our lifetime. By utilizing this concept, and the power of dividend-paying whole-life insurance, you can recapture the interest that you are now paying to banks and financial institutions. Anytime you can eliminate interest that you pay to others, and direct that same market rate of interest to an entity you own and control, you will have improved your capacity to create wealth. Other benefits may include tax advantages, risk reduction, protection from creditors, disability and death protection.  

In order to make money like the banks do, you need to think like they do… You need to learn and understand banking. You probably already know how to make money with your labors, you just need to understand how your money is flowing and capitalize your own system.

If you do your research you will learn that life insurance has been around for hundreds of years, before the IRS and before the Federal Reserve. Life insurance companies, unlike other businesses, are looking further down the road than the next 5 or 10 years. They are planning for a minimum of 100 years. They have survived depressions, bailouts and crashes.

Mutual life insurance companies are predictable and most have been consistently paying a dividend to policyholders for more than 100 years. Whole life insurance gets BETTER over time. Every policyholder gets the benefit of the same crediting rate, regardless if you buy this year or if you bought it 20 years ago. But, beware of imposters. Universal life, variable life and indexed universal life policies, primarily sold by stock based insurance companies, do not have the same crediting rates, and can have other hazards.

You can take the first steps to securing your financial future today.

Find yourself an agent that practices Infinite Banking:

Read the book, Becoming Your Own Banker™, and do your research, you’ll be glad you did.

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC
Infinite Banking Think Tank Member

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

He has created a service that caters to families and business owners that are frustrated with the risks involved with the stock market, but still want competitive returns. His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protect their savings, but also provide tax advantages.
His business is based in Ocean Springs, MS and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Make MIne Freedom 1948

Today, our country faces hard decisions that will shape our future and determine our freedoms going forward. Every aspect of our lives will be effected by the decisions our legislators are making now.

This cartoon film, originally produced in 1948, makes a striking resemblance to today's issues.

Vote, get involved and protect your family and our country's freedom.

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's Your Money - Protect it or Perish!

Your lifetime of hard work, and your family are in jeopardy. The time is now to stand up for your rights as a citizen and protect your faith, family and finances - or perish. Educate yourself on the true history of our country and expand your knowledge of money so you can live a life free from tyranny.

Today our liberty is being threatened because of the power of government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and The Federal Reserve (Fed), ironically created the same year (1913), are seizing land, assets and devaluing our dollar. Your money is being confiscated to fund illegal operations and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

It saddens me to have to tell you these things - I apologize for being straightforward... But my mission is to spread the gospel... about God's love and about your money... to reveal the facts and the truth.

The United States became what we are because of faith, family and free enterprise. A hundred years ago we were free people, with less government regulation and taxes than the rest of the world. We owned land, produced our own goods, and we believed in Christ, family and our constitution.

God warned us in the Bible of the dangers of government and greed:

"While they promise them LIBERTY, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage." 2PE 2:19

"My people are destroyed for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." HO 4:6

"For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person PERISH, and leave their wealth to others." PS 49:10

"The good man is PERISHed out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net." MIC 7:2

Our founding fathers also warned us:

"I am sure there never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them." ~George Washington

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government." ~Thomas Jefferson

"God grant that not only the love of liberty but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say: This is my country." ~Ben Franklin

As a United States Citizen you should be outraged at what is happening to your country. Right before our eyes, history is being rewritten and our freedoms are being stolen from us by amendments to our beloved constitution. Hardly a day goes by when Congress is not adding, deleting or changing this cherished model for our independence.

Currently, Congress is debating whether or not to pass legislation that would alter the powers of the Federal Reserve. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), has worked tirelessly in his "Audit the Fed" bill HR 1207 and S 604. The Fed and the Obama administration are fighting this bill to retain power and control of our money.

The bill was gathering momentum until Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) caved in and sold-out under pressure by the Federal Reserve and the Obama Administration, and a new bill is now being circulated. The new version of the bill will likely give the Fed even more power, exempting monetary policy decisions, discounting window operations, and agreements with foreign central banks from Government Accounting Office (GAO) audits.

"The current fiscal policy is unsustainable. We are heading to a future where we'll have to double federal taxes or cut federal spending by 60%." ~David Walker, Comptroller General of the United States GAO

David Walker served under both Democratic and Republican administrations. He isn’t trying to get elected he’s taking an honest approach to fiscal policies and economics…

David Walker on CNN

Our markets are in turmoil and volatility is at an all time high. Blame is being thrown around another bailout is on the horizon. This time it is Greece and the U.S. Taxpayers will fund a major portion of the Greek bailout. The Federal Reserve provides 20% of the money for the IMF, and they are the entity that will lend the money. The bailout will be used to pay back the banks that made unwise loans to Greece previously, so they will be saved while taxpayers absorb the losses. Read more here:

Most people's impression of the Fed is that they control the money supply and protect us from recessions and depressions through monetary policy, Hogwash!
The Fed is a cartel, originally created by wealthy bankers. G. Edward Griffin, author of the classic book, 'The Creature From Jekyll Island' outlines how and why the Fed was created in his free, downloadable recording found here:

"The Federal Reserve is the chief culprit behind the economic crisis. Its unchecked power to create unlimited amounts of money out of thin air brought us the boom and bust cycle and caused one financial bubble after another. Since the Fed’s creation in 1913 the dollar has lost more than 96% of its value, and by recklessly inflating the money supply the Fed continues to distort interest rates and intentionally erode the value of the dollar."

"Economic affairs cannot be kept going by magistrates and policemen." ~Ludwig von Mises

A free market economy, as followers of Austrian Economics believe, is the answer to many of America's financial problems. On the other hand, mainstream economists and followers of the Keynesian model, believe that government should control monetary supply through regulation, deposit insurance and a flexible, fiat currency.

The Austrian Theory of economics is taught and practiced at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. Lew Rockwell, notable author and libertarian activist, founded the Mises Institute. He also publishes the blog, , where he warns of the threats of socialism, among other things.

"Workers and consumers are, of course, identical." ~Ludwig von Mises

Read more at The Quotable Mises:

What does all of this have to do with you, your family and your money? You are the engine that drives government. Government feeds off of the people. They exist because of our money, derived from taxes.

How can we protect ourselves? By standing up to big government and educating ourselves on economic policy. Contact your representatives and let them know how you feel. Vote and be heard.

Why should you be concerned? Your freedom depends on it, "Use it or lose it." Your children and grandchildren will be faced with debt beyond their control and will be forever enslaved to foreign governments and elite bankers.

On December 16th, 1773, people just like you and me, "radicals" from Boston, Massachusetts, formed the Sons of Liberty. They boarded three East India Company ships in Boston Harbor and threw 342 chests of tea into the water. This event was in protest of oppressive British taxation and tyrannical rule. It became known as the Boston Tea Party and paved the way towards our country's independence.

Today we are faced with similar circumstances. If we do nothing and do not learn from history, we are destined for failure. Money creates power, and unfortunately, this power in the wrong hands can destroy our nation.

Money and banking are essential in our society, however, when we depend on the government and financial institutions for money, we become slaves to their system. Our knowledge of how these systems work will protect us from their bondage and increase our ability to achieve financial success.

Saving money is what built this country. In recent times we have been led to believe that "investing" in uncertain markets and with banks is the key to prosperity, when in fact this is part of the problem.

You can protect your family and your wealth by creating a system of finance that is independent of traditional banking models. Using a financial tool that out dates the Fed and the IRS, you can virtually become your own banker. This tool is called dividend paying, whole-life insurance. You may have been told by my media entertainers, parading as financial gurus, that whole-life insurance is a bad investment, they are wrong.

Life insurance is the only financial instrument that can guarantee that what you want to happen, will happen. While stock markets have plunged, owners of this centuries old financial tool have prospered. And, when properly administered, it can be used to create your own privatized family banking system that can live on for generations. You can learn more about private banking here:

NOW is the time to ACT while you have time.

Until next time, Protect Your Freedoms!
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a Registered Financial Consultant and independent insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

He has created a service that caters to families and business owners that frustrated with the risks involved with the stock market, but still want competitive returns. His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protect their savings, but also provide tax advantages.

His business is based in Ocean Springs, MS and he services clients throughout the Southeast. He can be reached here:

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Haley Barbour is speaking to the Southern Republican Leadership Conference

Friday, March 26, 2010

Government Budgeting or Tax and Spending?

Debt to Consume 90% of GDP by 2020 According to CBO

Just this week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released the administration's budget numbers, reflecting the debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to their own predictions, debt will consume 90% of GDP by the year 2020.

How can we as citizens depend on a government who can not live within its means? We must live within our means in order to survive, yet our politicians refuse not to. Instead they live off of taxpayers as a parasite lives off of its host.

According to Merriam-Websters definition of budget: bud·get
Pronunciation: \ˈbə-jət\ a : a statement of the financial position of an administration for a definite period of time based on estimates of expenditures during the period and proposals for financing them b : a plan for the coordination of resources and expenditures c : the amount of money that is available for, required for, or assigned to a particular purpose.

Does it sound like the administration has planned for financing their expenditures? Do you think they have the resources available for funding their proposals? Where do you think they will get the money?

Take a look at the history of the marginal Federal Income Tax:

You'll notice that taxes spiked up considerably after the "Great Depression" and when Social Security was created. Do you see any similarities today?

Of course, you understand that you also pay other taxes. As a matter of fact in recent years personal taxes increased 42% faster than personal income. State and local government taxes increased 168% faster than national income. The typical American pays more in taxes than they do on food, shelter, and clothing combined.

Here are some examples of taxes we pay. State Income Tax, Social Security Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax, School Tax, Sales Tax, Water Tax, City Tax, County Tax, Gasoline Tax, Airport Tax, Hotel Tax, Cable TV Tax, Unemployment Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Marriage License Tax, Liquor Tax, Fishing License Tax, Food and Beverage Tax, Hunting License Tax, Road Usage Tax (truckers), Estate Tax, Luxury Tax, Recreational Vehicle Tax, Utility Tax, Septic Permit Tax, Well Permit Tax, Road Toll Booth Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Workers Compensation Tax, Trailer Reg. Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, Long Term Capital Gains Tax, Short Term Capital Gains Tax, Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone State and Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax.

There are few ways that you can shelter your money from the onslaught of taxes, so we must consider them all when doing our own budgeting. One such way is by NOT depending on the government. Are you the least bit suspicious when the government creates a plan to give you a tax break on the money that they have taxed you on in the first place. Consider Qualified Plans and the Federal Income Tax.

Another option you may want to consider is banking, but not in the sense that you may be accustomed to. For example, do you find it ironic that the very banks that we as taxpayers were asked to bailout, ask us to invest our money with them? Why is it that banks want to lend us money when we have it, but will not when we need it?

By Becoming Your Own Banker™ and banking with your family you can actually end your dependency on traditional financial institutions and government programs. You can learn how to create a system of finance and your own lifetime bank.

Infinite Banking teaches the process of using your current flow of finances versus consumption of money. Utilizing this concept integrates protection and wealth accumulation enabling you to enhance your assets without creating additional liabilities. Traditional banks understand this, yet they tell us to do the opposite, forcing us into financial slavery.

You owe it to yourself and your family to educate yourself further. Take control of your money now by controlling how your money flows. Read the book Becoming Your Own Banker™ here:

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page is a Registered Financial Consultant and Infinite Banking Coach. His goal is to help families live debt free and create generational wealth. He publishes multiple websites and blogs including this one, and can be reached at

Monday, March 22, 2010

The TRUTH about Fractional Reserve Lending and The Federal Reserve

Fractional reserve lending is a practice created by the Federal Reserve that allows banks to lend money based on a fraction of the deposits they hold in reserves. Ironically, the majority of banks hold their Tier 1 Capital (reserves they can't afford to lose) in permanent life insurance, but they won't tell you that.

Watch this video as Ron Paul tries to get Ben Bernanke to talk about transparency of The Federal Reserve. And, after all is said Barney Frank steps in and says we should certainly look into what Reagan and Nixon did…

Currently, Bernanke is trying to end minimum fractional reserve lending for banks, meaning they would have NO LIMITS on lending! At the present time, banks may not create any more than $9 in additional loans for each $1 they hold in reserve. However, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke suggests that this may be changed to ANY amount in loans REGARDLESS of what is held in reserve. If this happens, fractional-reserve banking will become zero-reserve banking, and hyperinflation will occur.

All of this was predicted in The Creature From Jekyll Island:

Meanwhile, China is raising their fractional reserve limits:

If you are concerned about your family's financial future, this is all the more reason for you to create a system of finance that is not dependent on banks or the government. Learn how:

Until next time,
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page is a Registered Financial Consultant and helps families to live debt free and create generational wealth. He publishes multiple websites and blogs including this one, and can be reached at

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


The Politicians Want Your Money

As recently as Jan 25, 2010 the Obama Administration proposed Mandatory Retirement Plans. This is the first step towards nationalization and the forced investment of your retirement benefits. Though you may have heard little about these mandatory plans, they will force you to invest in government controlled retirement accounts to support the treasury debt market. As reported in BusinessWeek, these plans will draw opposition.

Why should you be concerned about the Mandatory IRA? By taking control of your retirement plan assets, the government is in essence confiscating your hard earned savings! Your retirement savings could be used to fulfill U.S. Treasury obligations. Unless you believe that Washington Politicians can manage your assets better than you, then now is the time to take control and protect your assets.

While government was meant to protect our nation, think of them as a parasite that feeds off of the people. This is the best description that I can give to describe their thirst for our tax dollars. Like a blood sucking mosquito, they pierce the skin almost unnoticed and then drain the life from us to support themselves.

Cleverly disguised as plans to help Americans save, these forced retirement plans will cause havoc on business and thrust our country into a financial meltdown. From hyperinflation to tax increases to tyranny, the risks involved are HUGE!

This is not an attempt to scare you. It is a fair warning from a concerned citizen. My intentions are to create awareness and motivate you to take action towards taking control of your personal assets. As a financial consultant it is my job and responsibility. I fear the control of U.S. retirement plans will ultimately lead to the confiscation of trillions of dollars in privately held assets.

More Warnings

On January 8, 2010, CNBC’s Rick Santelli, blew the horn about the possible nationalization and forced investment into treasuries. Bloomberg reported that the proposed plan may not be able to support itself. And on January 26, 2010, Fox Business News reported that the National Small Business Association (NSBA) stated that they are “opposed to any mandates that create a new and significant burden on small business.”

As far back as 1981, Ron Paul warned that language had been inserted into the 1981 Economic Recovery Act, Section 314(b) that ruled “collectibles” as not in the “public interest” and therefore prohibited from future retirement plan investments.

Hypocrisy At Its Finest

When our government takes billions in taxpayer money to “bailout” financial institutions like Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, are you not the least bit suspicious? And, when these same institutions advertise that you should invest with them, though they are technically bankrupt, does something seem wrong? They pay themselves outrageous bonuses, yet your account balances have lost billions.

Now that health care reform has been placed on the back burner, Washington Politicians have now focused their attention on more economic stimulus plans supposedly to boost employment. When will Americans learn that government cannot create jobs? Any so-called job creation by the government is only at the expense of private business. The net result is a loss of jobs as workers are pulled from one industry to another and businesses are forced to close.

How Mandatory Retirement Plans Will Work

You will be forced into another scheme, similar to Social Security, consisting of what is now being called a Guaranteed Retirement Account/Annuity (GRA). These plans will be funded by a proposed 5% of your salary. Eventually your existing retirement funds will be pushed into the government program. All of the details will be worked out along the way.

Currently, over $15 Trillion is invested in qualified retirement plans. Retirement savings make up more than 35% of all private assets and Congress has their eyes on this money. When you retire, taxes must be paid on withdrawals from these accounts. Politicians would like nothing more than to have access to these accounts now.

Teresa Ghilarducci is the author of the “Agenda for Shared Prosperity”. She became the Director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy at the New School for Social Research. Her plan is to confiscate the assets of the wealthiest Americans and redistribute them through government plans.

As outlined in the proposal, the government will make a contribution into every citizen’s account of approximately $600 annually, covering the unemployed and underemployed. The 5% contribution by “successful” Americans will go into a “guaranteed account” managed by the government, the same people managing Social Security.

The concern is that following the implementation of the GRA program, Congress would create future legislation to end tax deductions and tax benefits of all retirement plans therefore forcing the funds in these plans into the “professionally” managed GRA program. The other concern is that beneficiaries would be cheated out of any benefits left in IRA’s after the death of the participants. Ghilarducci’s plan calls for 50% of all balances remaining at death to be reverted to the federal government, not the beneficiaries.

What to Do

Since this is only a proposal at the time, it could be years before these changes take effect. However, since Congress already controls the rules for private retirement plans they can change the rules, just as they’ve done in the past. The good news is, you have time to protect your assets before this assault. But, don’t wait. Why would you put another dime into a qualified plan? Take an honest inventory of your assets and sit down to talk with your advisor soon. It’s your money, guard your wallet!

Barry Page, RFC is a Registered Financial Consultant and Licensed Insurance Agent. He is an advocate for families and small business, and publishes this blog and to promote financial intelligence.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Americans Reject Keynesian Economics

What is it that politician's don't understand? They seem to think that "we", the taxpayers that pay their salary, don't have a say in government. Well, it's become abundantly clear that American's are fed up with overspending.

In case you aren't familiar with Keynesian Economics, created by John Maynard Keynes, the premise is basically "spend more" and "grow government" to improve the economy. On the contrary, at the time of Keynes, there was also Andrew Jackson's philosophy of Laissez Faire Economics which complemented the Constitution and promoted smaller government.

Another popular economic theory is Austrian Economics, made popular by economist Ludwig von Mises, which focuses on free enterprise. Former U.S. Presidential Candidate, Ron Paul, also embraces Austrian Economics. Paul compares Keynesian Economics and Austrian Economics

More and more American's are waking up to the abuse of power by politicians, and they are speaking up. TEA Parties and the 9/12 Project have helped everyday people to get involved and the movements are gaining popularity.

This report displays the distrust that Americans are feeling towards BIG Government:
Americans Reject Keynesian Economics

Stand Up for Your Rights!
Barry Page, RFC

Barry Page is a Registered Financial Consultant that studies economics and its' impact on families and business. He is an advocate of free enterprise and teaches families how to control their finances and think independently. He publishes and this blog to promote financial intelligence.

Legacy Insurance Agency

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Recommended Reading

  • The Pirates of Manhattan
  • Becoming Your Own Banker
  • Circle of Wealth