Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Your Future Resides in Your Hands - What You Can Do Now to Secure Your Family’s Future

What You Can Do Now to Secure Your Family’s Future

It’s down to the wire… Who will be the next President of the United States of America? Regardless of who wins, your future resides in your hands. In the coming months our world is going to change… the question is, will you be ready for what’s next?

In my business, I've been advised not to speak about politics or religion. I disagree with this, because our history is based on both politics and religion. And, if you don’t understand history then you are destined to repeat the mistakes of the past in the future.

Currently, our country is in the middle of an economic depression. Congress has refused to balance the budget and government spending is out of control. And… many Americans don’t seem to care about this or the issues that will affect them and their families in the future. 

In my opinion, these are a few key issues that will have a tremendous impact on our country going forward. We have, and will experience tremendous change because of these issues.

1.   Economics – Current economic policy suggests that we can spend our way out of our financial problems, better known as Keynesian Economics. On the other side of the coin is Austrian Economics which is based on a free market economy with less government involvement. Only one Presidential candidate advocated Austrian Economics, and he is no longer in the race. You can learn more about Austrian Economics from the Mises Institute.   

2.    Entitlement – As American’s feel the pinch of failed policies and economic depression, they are becoming more and more reliant on the government for handouts. The number of American’s depending on Medicaid, food stamps and other government welfare has grown at alarming rates in the last few years. 

3.    Marriage – Even government statistics show that children growing up in broken homes, or single parent homes, are less likely to finish college and more likely to commit crimes. Divorce rates are rising as parents find it harder to find employment. And, single parents having children out of wedlock have risen at alarming rates. 

All of these issues revolve around responsibility. This word can be broken down into the words, Response and Ability. Our ability to respond to our situations with our God given ability will determine our success. Even if we fail, when we take responsibility for our actions, we succeed in learning and growing. When we blame others for our circumstances, we develop an entitlement mindset, therefore failing in our ability to improve.

Merriam Webster Definition of RESPONSIBILITY:  the quality or state of being responsible: as a : moral, legal, or mental accountability b : reliability, trustworthiness.

According to this definition, do you think that our government is being Responsible? Reliable? Accountable?  I’ll stay away from the Legal, Moral and Trustworthy terms and let you ask those questions.

The good news is, you don’t have to depend on the government or their handouts to be responsible. This can start at home by changing a few habits. You don’t need any more time or money to do these simple things, and you will be amazed at the results.

 5 Habits You Can Change Now 
  1. Read More (History and biographies, Not fiction or magazines)
  2. Watch Less TV (Reserve the television for family movies, special events and education)
  3. Eat Together (Schedule meals. Research shows that family meals produce positive kids)
  4. Pray Together (Our country was founded on faith and we need it now more than ever)
  5. Spend Less, Save More and Invest Wisely (Remain liquid and keep an emergency fund)

What else can you do at home? You can protect what is most important to you. Make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN your affairs are in order. Here’s what I mean. Think about what is absolutely most important to you. If something catastrophic happened, what do you want to happen?

3 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Home and Future  
  1. Stockpile Food and Plant a garden
  2. Secure Your Home and Valuables 
  3. Get a Weapon for Protection
Hopefully this blog has caused you to think about your family and what’s important. Now that you have a better idea of what you can do, take action now!

Until next time,
Barry Page

Legacy Insurance Agency, PLLC

Shield Financial Consulting
Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a financial consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning. 

His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protects their savings, but also provide tax advantages. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the United States.

Friday, September 14, 2012

It’s the end of the world as we know it… QE3

Bernanke launches an open-ended round of Quantitative Easing (QE3).

It’s the end of the world as we know it… Thursday, the Federal Reserve announced that it will buy $40 billion dollars of mortgage-backed securities per monthindefinitely.) and extended the period for which it will keep rates between 0 and 1/4% to mid-2015.

This FOMC statement that sums it up:
"....The Committee agreed today to increase policy accommodation by purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month. The Committee also will continue through the end of the year its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in June, and it is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities. These actions...should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative."

To give you some comparison so you know how GIANT this is, QE1 was $1.7 Trillion. QE2 was roughly half a trillion. The new plan isn't really QE3, because it's never scheduled to end. It is an entirely different, evil BEAST.

But…what’s really scary is in this next paragraph:
If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will, as always, take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases.

When will it end? “Indefinitely” is the key word here. The Fed has essentially given itself the power to do as it pleases for as long as it pleases. We are talking unlimited power.

Okay, I know, enough bad news… what can we do about it? The answer is not much until something is done to get these criminals out of control. For now we must protect what we have, stay liquid and support those who respect our freedoms and liberty.

Until next time,
Barry Page
Legacy Insurance Agency, PLLC

Shield Financial Consulting

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a financial consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning. 

His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protects their savings, but also provide tax advantages. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the Southeast.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Enough to Make Your Blood BOIL! The TRUTH about Your 401k and IRA

It's enough to make your blood boil. Once you learn the truth about your 401k and other IRA Government Qualified Retirement Accounts, you'll want to reevaluate your financial plans.
Barry Dyke, author of "The Pirates of Manhattan - Highway To Serfdom", blows the top off Wall Street and the so called, "Government Regulators":
In this short video, Barry Dyke, discusses the severity of the rampant speculation problem on Wall Street with Allen McLellan of The American College. Dyke explains how your mutual funds in your retirement accounts are like rolling the dice at the casinos. Dyke says "The deck is stacked against the average investor and the government goes along with the scam.”
Here are some notable lines from the book, The Pirates of Manhattan Highway To Serfdom, that put tax evasion in perspective:
"GE paid nothing in taxes in 2010-in fact the conglomerate claimed a $3.2 billion tax credit." 
"Andrea Mitchell the NBC chief foreign affairs correspondent for NBC in Washington is married to former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan." 
"GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt is on the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York along with Jamie Diamond CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase. Pres. Obama appointed Mr. Immelt to be his top outside economic advisor."
Bottom line, if you want create a real retirement plan, don't take advice from Uncle Sam and the Mega Banks. You're better off on your own, creating your own system for finance.
IF You want to know the health of your retirement plan, get a financial checkup and see where you stand. Follow this link to schedule a no cost, no obligation consultation:
Until next time, get your financial house in order!
Barry Page
Legacy Insurance Agency, PLLC
Shield Financial Consulting
Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a financial consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protects their savings, but also provide tax advantages. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the Southeast.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love and Money

Love and Money - Making Financial Decisions Together

You do it for love... Have you ever thought about your true motivations? Primarily we ultimately make all of our decisions based on love. It could be your love for an individual, your family, your business or your passion. This is why money is not a true motivator, love is the why we do things.

In this special issue, I will reveal:
  • 3 tips for Improving Your Marriage
  • How To Reduce Stress in Your Marriage
  • Living the Good Life
3 tips for Improving Your Marriage

Tip #1. Hold a Monthly Financial Meeting
Many couples never talk openly about money, so when financial issues pop-up, it often leads to conflict. One of the best ways to overcome this is to sit down with your loved one on a regular basis, preferably monthly to discuss your financial matters.

Topics to discuss:
1. Spending
2. Saving
3. Budget
4. Major Expenditures

Financial literacy is of supreme importance, and all involved should be educating themselves on how their money is flowing. Once you determine where your money is going and for what, you will become more aware of how and why you make your purchases. Being aware of possible problems before they occur is also key.

The solution is to sit down with your partner monthly and go over your financial plan. Look closely at your spending patterns and discuss future expenditures. Determine if what you are spending your money on is really necessary. Is this expenditure a need or a want? 

Tip #2. Accept a Shared Responsibility
Often today, I hear of couples having separate checking accounts, but when you do this, are you really sharing in your responsibility? It is common for one spouse to play the primary role in managing finances, but both partners should be involved with financial decisions and at least be aware of how the money is being utilized. 

Again, I advocate financial literacy. When you understand what's going on with your money, you will know how to use it to your advantage.

Be aware that when one spouse makes all of the financial decisions, you are setting yourself up for conflict in the future.

Tip #3. Invest in Your Financial Knowledge
When you invest in your financial knowledge you will begin to think differently. Since we were kids we have been trained to work hard, go to school and get the best job possible. We are told that our academic education and the number of hours we trade for dollars will make us happy. If this worked, why are there so many divorces? And, why are so many people broke today?

Often debt is to blame for failed marriages, but the true culprit is a lack of financial education. We are taught very little in school about how money really works, because the goal of an academic education is to get a "job".

When you discover how a business works, you will have a different outlook on finances. Businesses earn a profit, not a paycheck. Jim Rohn once said, A job will earn you a paycheck, but a business will earn you a fortune.

Many books are available to help you increase your financial literacy. Here are some of my favorites:
How To Reduce Stress in Your Marriage

Reducing stress involves making decisions with confidence and together. By increasing your financial knowledge you will in turn increase your confidence when making financial decisions. When you plan your financial future, you will be prepared for whatever comes your way.

If you want to reduce stress and financial worry in your marriage, you need to have a plan. Your plan needs to be discussed on a regular basis (see Tips above). Your plan should include goals that you determined together. Once you determine your financial goals you can work together to achieve those goals.

While most financial plans today are put together by financial advisors from major financial institutions, they do not contain any guarantees. That is because these plans are based on paper assets where you as the investor take all of the risk. Even if you do the investing yourself, there is still a lot of luck and guesswork, with very little predictability.

A better alternative to traditional financial planning is to Become Your Own Banker. Why leave the results of your plan up to the investment bankers? Do you find it ironic that in 2008, we as taxpayers, bailed out the largest financial institutions in the world? And, these same financial institutions and banks still ask us to invest our money with them?

You can learn how to Become Your Own Banker by requesting a no-cost, no-obligation analysis:

Living the Good Life

The idea of retirement typically involves leaving the workforce. However, if you do your research you will find that this is a government idea. An idea that involves dependency on others. Sadly today, less than 5% of Americans can retire when they expected to or live without government assistance.

The good news is, instead of depending on government assistance or qualified plans (IRA, 401k, etc), you can live the good life and control your own financial destiny. By Becoming Your Own Banker, as outlined in the bestselling book, you can live your life without restrictions.

When you Become Your Own Banker:
  • You control your money.
  • You can make decisions without penalty.
  • You have liquidity.
  • You have guarantees.
  • You have peace of mind.
The Infinite Banking Concept, as outlined in the bestselling book Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash, is a way to create a personal financial system where you remain in control. You can finance all of your purchases over your lifetime, with your own bank! You have a solid foundation that will protect you and your loved ones in the event of financial loss. You will have access to capital when you need it and for anything you want without taxes, penalties or restrictions. Learn more and order the book, Becoming Your Own Banker, here:

Now is the time to protect your loved ones and create your own legacy of love. Take control of your finances today by learning how to become your own banker. Request a no-cost, no-obligation analysis:
Show your love this Valentine's Day by controlling your financial future and protecting what matters most.

I'm truly yours to count on,
Barry Page
Legacy Insurance Agency, PLLC

Barry Page is recognized as a leading expert on life insurance and private banking. He is a financial consultant and independent life insurance agent who helps clients with tax advantaged investment alternatives. He specializes in showing families how to protect their assets, income and lives utilizing a macro-financial approach to planning.

His specialized knowledge and services help consumers find alternatives to traditional investing and the stock market that not only safely protects their savings, but also provide tax advantages. His business is based in Ocean Springs, Mississippi and he services clients throughout the Southeast.

Legacy Insurance Agency

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Recommended Reading

  • The Pirates of Manhattan
  • Becoming Your Own Banker
  • Circle of Wealth